Frequently asked questions
I am getting married. What do I need to do?
Contact Father at least six months before your wedding. Couples are required to take an “Enrichment Program of the Engaged.” Both parties will need certificates of Baptism and Confirmation. View Marriage Planning and Preparation Guidelines.
How do I arrange for my child’s baptism?
Contact the parish office at (920) 892-4006 to schedule a baptism. Baptisms are typically celebrated following the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass. Couples attend a 45-minute Baptism Preparation Class.
How do I arrange for a funeral?
Father will meet with you and the funeral director of your choice. Together you will plan the funeral. Contact Father at (920) 892-4006.
How do I join St. John the Baptist?
We welcome you and look forward to the opportunity to meet you and register you as a member of our parish family. Please complete the confidential parish registration form and return it to the parish office.
Are there “membership” dues?
At St. John the Baptist we consider ourselves as being a part of a parish family. As a member of a family, we know our obligation to contribute to its upkeep. Each member decides with his/her God what is their appropriate response for His Blessings in their lives.
How do I become Catholic?
The Church has established the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) for those who have been called to become a Catholic. Contact the parish office at (920) 892-4006 for more information.
What types of clubs/groups do you have?
A wide variety of programs are available, including: sports activities, service, charity, education and ministry oriented programs. View our parish ministry guide or call the parish office at (920) 892-4006 to inquire about your particular area of interest.
Do you offer daily Mass?
Weekday Mass is offered on Monday and Thursday mornings at 8:00 am. View the bulletin for our full Mass schedule. We look forward to having you join in the celebration.
When is the Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrated?
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered the second and fourth Saturdays of the month from 9:30-11:00 am. Father is also available for private confessions by appointment. Call our parish office at (920) 892-4006 to schedule a private confession.
How do I have a Mass offered for a loved one?
Contact the parish office at (920) 892-4006 to schedule a Mass intention. In the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, the customary stipend offering is $20.
What is I am unfamiliar with the Mass prayers?
We have prayer cards that guide you through the parts of the Mass that are said aloud by the congregation, as well as cards featuring images of different areas of the church, along with their names. These resources are designed to help you become more familiar with both the prayers and the sacred space, enhancing your experience and participation.
Frequently asked questions
What are the directions to the school?
St. John the Baptist Catholic School is located at 116 Pleasant Street in Plymouth, Wisconsin. Take Highway 23 to the Highway 67 exit. Go south on Highway 67 to Mill Street. Turn right (west) on to Mill Street. Take Mill Street two blocks to the top of the hill, turn right on to Pleasant Street.
What are school hours and dismissal times?
School begins at 7:35 am. Dismissal is at 2:35 pm. Safety of the children after school is the parent/caregivers responsibility and students are expected to leave for home with their parent/caregiver immediately following dismissal. For the safety of our students, children whose parent/caregiver are not on the playground with them when the final bell rings (approximately 7 minutes after the dismissal bell) will be expected to come into the school building and wait to be picked up inside the building.
How many students are enrolled at SJB?
There are 124 students enrolled at St. John the Baptist for the 2022 - 2023 school year with classes from 3 and 4-year-old Early Childhood through 8th Grade.
What is your dress code?
St. John the Baptist School takes pride in its long tradition of excellence. The attire of our students reflects both personal and school pride and fosters an environment that is appropriate for an academic environment. Student clothing should always be neat, clean, and free of tears, frays, or holes and should fit well. Parents/Guardians are the best judges of the appropriateness of clothing and should monitor clothing daily. The school principal will make the final determination on the appropriateness of clothing and will approve or disapprove any item not addressed in the dress code.
How do I find out about school closings and emergencies?
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School follows the decision of the Plymouth School District in regard to school closings due to severe weather. Please visit the Plymouth Joint School District Website, or listen to local radio and television broadcasts for school closing information. View Inclement Weather Policy
How do I find out about in-service days and vacations?
Visit our calendar for the most up-to-date information on in-service days and vacations.
What if my child becomes ill at school?
In case of an illness or an injury, the child will be cared for temporarily in the Health Room by a volunteer or staff member. Parents will be contacted to come and pick up the child. An updated emergency card must be on file in the school office. If a parent is unreachable and hospitalization is required, school officials will take needed action based on the authority of the parent signature/authorization on the student’s emergency card.
What if my child will be absent from school?
If your child is ill, please contact the school office (920)893-5961 prior to 9:30 am. When returning to school after an illness, a note must be brought from home, signed by the parent/guardian, stating the reason for the absence.
Are parents allowed to visit?
Yes, parents are welcome to visit the school. Please sign in at the office upon entering the school. We do ask that you do not interrupt the teaching going on in the classroom. If you are interested in discussing a matter with your child’s teacher or need to take your child out of the classroom, please contact the teacher or the school office to make the necessary arrangements.
How can parents become more involved?
St. John the Baptist School welcomes and encourages the involvement of parents and caregivers. To learn more about the Home and School Association and adult Involvement, visit our Get Involved page.
Mass Schedule
Weekday Mass Schedule.
Monday and Thursday at 8:00 am
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday at 4:00 pm, St. John the Baptist
Sunday at 9:30 am, St. John the Baptist
Sunday Television Mass
5:30 am FOX6 News Milwaukee
7:00 am WVTV/My24 - Channel 24
9:00 am WVTV/My24 - Channel 24
9:00 am Radio AM 920
Visit to view Mass online.
We are blessed by the Lord to be working together to establish God’s presence in our church, our school, and our lives. Our parish is open to those from all walks of life, and we strive to be disciples of Christ and serve our neighbors in the Plymouth community.
Whether you are just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, returning to the practice of your Catholic faith, or are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, we are happy to have you here. Interested in learning more?
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