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Saint John the Baptist School Principal Amy Nelson

Amy Nelson

School Principal

I believe that all children can and will learn with the proper tools and guidance. READ MORE...

Amy Adamavich

First Grade Teacher

I believe all students can learn.

Saint John the Baptist School Plymouth, Wisconsin First through Eighth Grade Art Teacher Faith Albers

Faith Albert

1st - 8th Grade Art Teacher

In the art classes we try to expose the children to multiple mediums and techniques and also art... READ MORE...

Saint John the Baptist School Plymouth, Wisconsin Pre-K through Eighth Grade Learning Support Shelly Birenbaum

Shelly Birenbaum

Learning Support

I believe that an effective teacher provides a welcoming and safe environment that is interactive... READ MORE...

Stacie Birschbach

Food Service Assistant

Jennifer Brown

Teacher Aide, SJB Child Care Director

Saint John the Baptist Pre-K - 8th Grade School Counselor Mary Calkins

Mary Calkins

Guidance Counselor

All children are unique and must have a stimulating educational environment where they can grow... READ MORE...

Stacey Conto

Lunch Room and Playground Supervisor

Scott Dedlow

Building Maintenance Director

Teri Dickman

Food Service Assistant

Learning Support Aid Marsha Dochterman

Marsha Dochterman

Learning Support Aide

Saint John the Baptist School Plymouth, Wisconsin Kindergarten Teacher Christina Gales

Christina Gales

Kindergarten (5K) Teacher

I feel that children should build on their curiosity and explore the world around them, READ MORE...

Chris Hesselink

Teacher Aide

Thomas Hesselink

Middle School English and LiteratureTeacher, Jaguars Back Stage MS Exploratory

“No Catholic school can be effective without dedicated Catholic teachers…” -Pope St. John Paul II READ MORE...

Saint John the Baptist School Plymouth, Wisconsin First through Eighth Grade Physical Education Teacher Laurie Hylen

Laurie Hylen

5K- 8th Grade Physical Education Teacher

My goal is to instill in my students the importance of having an active, healthy lifestyle... READ MORE...

Ryan Kautzer

Music Instructor

I am a multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, and avid music lover READ MORE...

Melissa Kultgen

5K - 8th Grade Spanish Teacher

Each child is a gift from God and deserves a stimulating and meaningful learning experience. READ MORE...

Jennifer Lemke-Andrews

3K Pre-School Teacher

Teachable moments are abundant in the early years and I seek out those moments each day. READ MORE...

Saint John the Baptist School Pre-K Teacher Aide

Melissa McCabe

4K Teacher Aide

Amy O’Connor

3rd Grade Teacher

I honestly believe teaching is a vocation.

Middle School Social Studies Teacher

Joann Otte

Middle School Social Studies Teacher, Eighth Grade Homeroom Teacher

At the root of who I am as an educator is the belief that every child is a unique individual created READ MORE...

Judy Sander

Maintenance Staff

Saint John the Baptist Pre-K Co-Teacher and Middle School Elective Culinary Arts Instructor Suzette Schermacher

Suzette Schermacher

Pre-K Teacher Aide, Middle School Exploratory Culinary Course

Teaching is about making some kind of dent in the world so that the world is different than it was READ MORE...

Saint John the Baptist School Plymouth, Wisconsin Fifth through Eighth Grade Band Instructor Geoffrey Schuh

Geoffrey Schuh

5th - 8th Grade Band Instructor

Dan Sippel

Lunch Room and Playground Supervisor

Christine Vanic

Administrative Assistant

Alice Oberbroeckling

4th Grade Teacher