Mass Times

Serve God With Us

There are many areas at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School where you can get involved. Whether you are looking for a short or long-term commitment, we are sure you will find something to interest you. Many of these activities and organizations offer an opportunity for fellowship and a way to help others in our parish and community.

2025 Winter Ministry Guide

SJB Spirit Wear

Celebrate Mass

We come together as the People of God, the Church, to worship with one heart and one voice. Opportunities for involvement include Altar Server, Cantor, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Church Environment, Contemporary Choir, Greeter, Jubilation Choir, Holy Dusters, Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Liturgy Committee, Sacristan, User and Youth Choir.


Alive in the Spirit

Opportunities for involvement include Bereavement Ministry, Compassionate Hearts Ministry, Human Concerns Committee, Plymouth Food Pantry, Prayer Shawls, Mission Quilters, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Youth Mission Trip, and Zeru Zeru.


Growing in Faith

At St. John the Baptist we seek to develop and promote opportunities for parishioners to grow personally and deepen their relationship with Jesus. Involvement opportunities include the Faith Formation Committee, Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA), Youth Formation Catechist, Small Groups, Vacation Bible School, Walking with Purpose, and Youth and Young Adult Groups.


Spiritual Life

In prayer you become one with the source of our true light - Jesus Himself.” - Pope St. John Paul I

Opportunities for involvement include Daily Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary for Life, and Rosary, Prayers and More.


Fellowship in Faith

Opportunities for fellowship include Co-Ed Adult Volleyball and Pickleball, Christian Women, Fish Fry Team, High school basketball, Holy Hiking, Knights of Columbus, Women Celebrate Coffee.



Opportunities for involvement include Building and Grounds Committee, Cemetery Committee, Finance Council, Pastoral Council, Stewardship Committee, Technology Committee, Trustee


Safeguarding All God’s Family

All staff, faculty, and volunteers working with minors, in our archdiocese and at St. John the Baptist Church and School, are required to attend a Safe Environment Education Session, pass a criminal background check and sign the Code of Ethical Standards.

Get Involved!

Have additional questions? Reach out to us!