Mass Times

St. John the Baptist Parish Campaign

As a community of faith, we are called to help meet the needs of our parish.

If you have not pledged, please prayerfully consider contributing to our Love One Another Campaign.

Your pledge will make a significant impact within our parish, the Church, and the community.

Campaign Priorities

As devoted stewards, we take pride in the responsibility of caring for our buildings and grounds. This campaign is aimed at prioritizing crucial projects, including replacing the sound system within the church for a new and professionally designed look, improving our parking lot for modifications to address safety concerns, upgrading our church/church hall restrooms to provide necessary accommodations, and replacing the roof on the school addition. By addressing these projects we will continue to provide a warm and welcoming environment to all who enter our doors.

Future Church Updates

While we think of our church as new, it is now over 35 years old. Though in relatively good condition for its age, lighting, painting, carpet, and pews will eventually need to be replaced or updated. Any funds not utilized in the capital improvements, as well as any additional funds raised will be set aside for this purpose.


Thank you!

Campaign Status

Campaign Goal: $ 1,700,000

Currently Pledged: $ $2,100,688

Percent of Goal: 121%

We sincerely appreciate our campaign chairs, Mark & Chris Gumm, Greg & Karen Krusiec, Jim & Jan Sartori, Michael & Josette Svitter, and our entire Love One Another Campaign Committee, Mary Allendorf, Neil & Sheree Covaleski, Tom Engel, Sue Feick, Grace Meyer and Sue Shaffer